So, although Paris has great food, you can't always find great organic food. Rose Bakery fits the bill. The french/english couple are originally from London and they have imported an Anglophone-type deli to Paris. There you find tarts, quiches, carrot cake, fruit crumbles and cinnamon rolls to name a few. They also have for take-away grilled veggies, salads and little pizzas. Their restaurant serves brunch on the weekends and lunch during the week. I had their hamburger which was organic, mixed with wonderful herbs and flanked with grilled pumpkin and sweet potatoes. My friend had a quiche which was divine. They sell organic teas, cookies and other yummy things for you to bring home. Everyone there speaks english. This is a cozy place to hang when you just want something organic and familiar.
This bakery is also in the 3rd/11th hood I was talking about in the Chloe outlet post. And, Rose's brother is married to Rei Kawabuko thus, making this place super cool.
rue debellyme 75003
they have a second bakery at rue des martyrs 75009
Sounds wonderful, can't wait to go! ;)
hey i walked by yesterday after i left you, it's so close to where i do groceries, let's hit this joint for lunch next week if you're in the studio around 2ish
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